Guitar |
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Recorded |
The new Ibanez and the Godin |
POD Pro, Boss AD-5, and Roland GR-33 |
Tune recorded with new Ibanez.  MIDI drums into Soundfont.  Godin used for bass, synths, and organ. |
3.81 MB |
9/01 |
Heritage and Axis |
POD Pro |
Tombstone.  First song recorded with Kevin Flick.  Kevin is on drums and vocals.  I did all guitars and bass. |
6.43 MB |
7/01 |
The new Legacy |
POD Pro |
Mellow little riff - guitar and drums with Fruity loops drums. |
2.75 MB |
4/01 |
Strat, Axis, and Godin |
POD Pro, Boss AD-5, GR-33 |
Little tune - Guitar, guitar synth.  Drums through Fruity Loops - no bass. |
3.27 MB |
3/01 |
Gabe's Strat |
New tune featuring Miranda doing a little improvisation. |
4.06 MB |
1/01 |
Gabe's Strat & The New Godin |
- Roland GR-33 |
An exotic sounding tune which makes use of the sitar patch on the new GR-33.&NBSP strat is through POD's Roland Jazz Chorus amp patch with just of touch of delay and flange. |
2.61 MB |
1/01 |
The New Godin |
BOSS AD-5 / Roland GR-33 |
A goofy little tune recorded after about a day playing with the GR-33.  The cool thing with the GR-33 is I can record the MIDI out into N-Track and then have unlimited voices of any part.  I used various pipe tones, various bass tones, and various organ tones in the song. |
2.31 MB |
1/01 |
The New Godin |
BOSS AD-5 / Roland GR-33 |
A highly improvised rendition of Auld Langsine recorded with the new Godin ACS nylon string guitar through the new Roland GR-33.  Happy New Year!!! |
1.78 MB |
12/00 |
The New Godin |
A rendition of Silent Night recorded with the new Godin ACS nylon string guitar which Des got me for my birthday!!  It gets a little sloppy at the end as my hand got tired...  Happy Holidays!!! |
2.95 MB |
11/00 |
Gabe's G&L Legacy Special |
Tune recorded on Gabe's G&L Legacy Special.  All guitars are through various POD 2.0 settings.  Drum track composed utilizing Fruity Loops. Bass lines recorded with my Fender Standard Mexico Jazz Bass. |
5.21 MB |
11/00 |
Tune quickly (and sloppily) recorded.  Got the drum track off of the latest issue of Computer Music (a UK publication which comes with a CD each month).  I may continue to flesh this out so check back soon for an updated version. |
4.05 MB |
11/00 |
Tune recorded at the Comfort Inn in Muscatine, Iowa during my recent travel's there. Features heavy dosage of F#madd9 and Eadd9 chords.  Utilize the POD for all tracks including the phased lead part.  Utilized Fruity Loops to quickly assemble the drum parts. |
2.52 MB |
9/00 |
Gabe's New Sabre |
Tune recorded on Gabe's new Music Man Sabre.  I utilized Drop-B tuning and all guitars are through the new POD 2.0 Rectifier model (preset 1-A).  Pictures of the guitar 1  |  2  |   3  |   4 |
5.89 MB |
6/00 |
Standard chord tune.  Wish I could sing as I've even got lyrics for this one. |
2.86 MB |
5/00 |
Slow tune with clean guitar, bass, and nice neck humbucker solo stuff (improvised). |
4.11 MB |
5/00 |
Pure bluesy tune with MIDI drums, bass, and horns.  Solo recorded with S-500 neck/bridge pickups. |
1.87 MB |
2/00 |
Pure bluesy tune with MIDI drums, bass, and horns.  Solo recorded with S-500 neck/bridge pickups. |
1.87 MB |
2/00 |
Heavy industrial type tune.  MIDI drums and bass with misc. samples. |
1.55 MB |
2/00 |
Slow tune.  Sampled drums with MIDI bass and three tracks of guitar. |
1.73 MB |
2/00 |
Slow heavy wah tune.  MIDI drums, bass, and keyboards. |
2.41 MB |
2/00 |
Little slide guitar tune.  MIDI drums and bass with miscellaneous wave loops. |
2.96 MB |
1/00 |
Crappy recording of a loop created with individual samples - as you can tell, I'm still very much in the infancy of developing this technique. |
2.00 MB |
1/00 |
Simple I-IV-V tune with MIDI drum accompanient and MIDI bass recorded with my keyboard. |
3.13 MB |
1/00 |
Bluesy jam utilizing a drum sample looped. |
1.80 MB |
1/00 |
Newer tune utilizing the new strat and a drum sample looped. |
2.06 MB |
1/00 |
"You"  Very rough but what I hope will turn out to be a cool tune.  Can't wait to one day have a Strat with a Fishman bridge - this will really sound nice with that guitar. |
3.21 MB |
12/99 |
"Pop"  Another rough idea that has some potential.  Ditto on the Fishman remarks. |
3.07 MB |
12/99 |
"Magic"  First section.  First example of new Art X-15 MIDI floor board controlling the volume and wah from the POD.  MIDI accompanient includes bass and drums. |
1.61 MB |
11/99 |

"Fractured"  First two sections.  Mix sucks - but it's getting closer.  MIDI accompanient includes bass, percussion, and keyboards. |
2.99 MB |
11/99 |
"Fractured"  First section.  Needs melody instead of pure improvisation lead work.  MIDI accompanient includes bass and percussion. |
3.62 MB |
11/99 |
"Fractured" An exercise in spacey chords with some lead on top - needs much work but sounds interesting so far.  Next will be MIDI accompaniment. |
4.31 MB |
10/99 |
Nearly complete short instrumental piece. |
6.51 MB |
10/99 |
Guitar only riff recorded with flange effect. |
3.89 MB |
10/99 |
Simple shredding on the Universe with a cool phase effect from the Digitech. |
1.07 MB |
8/99 |

First section of a song on which I'm currently working.  G&L on clean rythm, Axis on lead.  MIDI accompaniment includes drums and bass. |
1.08 MB |
10/99 |
First section of a song on which I'm currently working.  MIDI accompaniment includes drums and bass. |
2.70 MB |
8/99 |
"Old Man"  MIDI is drums only.  Bass simulated via RP-7. |
5.09 MB |
11/98 |
Funky little riff and solo.  MIDI is drums only. |
1.48 MB |
10/98 |
Exercise in changing keys mid-song.  MIDI is drums only.  Bass and Guitar synth sounds simulated via RP-7. |
5.44 MB |
11/98 |